St. Andrew’s Children’s Clinic

Yesterday I took the two-hour trip to Nogales AZ to visit and help at the St. Andrew’s (Episcopal Church) Children’s Clinic. I rode along with my friend and mentor Cheyenne MacMasters who has been offering her Reiki skills at the clinic, held the first Thursday of the month, for about ten years.
We made it through Sierra Vista and Huachuca City, then into the soft beauty of the wine country area of Santa Cruz County. Through Sonoita and Patagonia, then into Nogales, arriving just in time.
We set up the Reiki table under a little portable gazebo in the peace garden. A perfect place to do our healing energy work.

Reiki gazebo in the peace garden
Reiki gazebo in the peace garden

Then we had a quick sampling of cake and coffee offered to the volunteers and returned to begin Reiki on the children and a few of the mothers, too.
This clinic offers free medical services to severely disabled children of extreme poverty in Sonora Mexico. Though many come from the sister city of Nogales, Sonora, many ride busses for hours to attend the monthly clinic. Our first customers boarded the bus at 3 am in Caborca in order to be at the clinic by 9:00.
This clinic was founded in 1973 by a mother in Nogales, Sonora, who had a disabled son and wanted to work with other mothers of disabled children. Together they found doctors and services in the US and convinced the specialists to come see their children.
The clinic soon outgrew the woman’s modest house and the doctors had the idea of moving it to the US. It took a lot of work with US Customs, because many recipients and their families are ineligible to cross into the US. Today, though, some Customs agents donate their time to ensure the families get the proper documentation to cross for medical purposes, facilitate their crossing, and help families board the free shuttles to the clinic.

One of the free shuttles, in this case, a Nogales school bus.
One of the free shuttles, in this case, a Nogales school bus.

The clinic is now a 501c3 charitable organization based in St. Andrew’s Church. Up to 250 children are seen in one day. One of the volunteers described the situation as “controlled chaos” and boy is she right!
Every square inch of the church is used – meeting rooms, hallways, the sanctuary, and even the pastor’s office and large closets. The pastor’s office is used as the room where blood is drawn, and just outside the room’s door sits the secretary, amazingly composed and functioning amidst the noise and confusion. The large office supply room was covered with volunteers sitting on the floor, filling bags with nutritional supplements for children with disabilities that don’t allow them to receive proper nutrition from what the eat, and for those who can only drink, not chew.

Cheyenne provides Reiki to a young patient.
Cheyenne provides Reiki to a young patient.

The vision clinic provides vision screening and free glasses (used children’s glasses are much needed!). Children with complex eye issues that need surgery, such as those needing corneal transplants, red sent out of state for complimentary surgery. The hearing clinic provides testing and free hearing aids (used hearing aids also needed).

The hearing clinic, donated by the Lions Club.
The hearing clinic, donated by the Lions Club.

The clinic has a working relationship with a major hospital in Hermosillo, the capital of Sonora, and once a year the doctors there provide free cleft palate surgeries for between 30 and 35 children a year. The clinic provides transportation and temporary housing.
The clinic sees children with spina bifida, cerebral palsey, and Rett Syndrome. There is no space here to discuss this syndrome – look it up. It is pretty awful. Just know it strikes females, leaving them unable to communicate, walk, or defend themselves in any way. Ironically, they are also usually quite beautiful, and they often become easy targets for rapists.
More, more, and more they do – provide amputations, prosthetics, crutches, and wheelchairs. Physical therapy is offered, and the therapists teach family members how to provide a level of therapy in the home.
I was astounded and how much gets done. I was honored to spend some time and provide Reiki to help the children and their mothers distress and relax.

Girl Scouts serve cookies to clients and their families.
Girl Scouts serve cookies to clients and their families.

I thank Cheyenne for taking me along, and I suspect I have now found something to do each first Thursday of the month.
Visit for additional information, to schedule a visit, or to make a donation.

Published by Emilie

I'm a retired instructor from a community college where I taught Developmental English and Reading as well as English as a Second Language. I'm also now a published author of a bilingual children's book entitled. Luisa the Green Sea Turtle - Luisa la Tortuga Verde del Mar. It's available from me, through Amazon, and is in a few (more and more each day!) bookstores.

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  1. Reblogged this on Conversations With Healers and commented:
    Here is a very informative look at a wonderful children’s clinic that I volunteer at once a month serving families who cross over from Mexico for medical services. It is an amazing tribute to the determination of one mother who started a little clinic in her home over 30 years ago for her disabled son and now serves hundreds each month with the assistance of the Shriners and Tucson’s University Medical Center doctors and interns. The original mother, Coca Romero, is still the patient coordinator and has been honored by the Mexican government.

  2. Reblogged this on Orbs Delight and commented:
    For a look at what an Orbphotog does in the daytime, please take a look at this very informative article that includes energy healing at a medical clinic that serves children who cross the border from Mexico each month.

    1. You surely may. Thank you so much. The day was intense, magical. Cheyenne had been concerned that I would be upset with seeing and being around so many children with such severe disabilities, but all I felt was the wonderful love everyone had, and was fortunate to receive some of that love myself from the people I did Reiki on.

  3. Such a wonderful service you will be providing Emilie! Keep up the good work!

    Sent from my iPad

  4. Wonderful Work being done here.. as a hands on healer myself I know the energies being passed on here are helping on many levels.. Thank you for sharing your Healing Gifts..

    1. I was a guest blogger on the Orbs blog. Actually, mine was re-blogged.
      I do Reiki but have not gotten into photographing orbs, though I capture one now and again. The woman who does the blog also does Reiki and was my teacher. I accompanied her to St. Andrew’s, to my great fortune.
      So, there may be an orb-Reiki connection, but I am not the one to ask!

      1. What you have wrote above I do not understand . other then your mind seems to be well at ease .
        please explain Reiki and ” orbs” and also the last line ” I am not one to ask ” Am I just the “dumb ” Canadian ? or is there a world out there I know nothing about ? Ray Lawrence

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